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Prime Minister: Polish countryside, Polish agriculture are the pride of our economy


The Polish Deal programme provides for supporting Polish families and farmers, among others. The government is working on laws that would enable citizens to purchase apartments without their own contribution, as well as to construct houses with no formalities, site managers and construction site logbooks. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki ensured the transfer of additional funding for agriculture as well. The Polish Deal means better prospects for the Polish countryside. The Council of Ministers has already adopted the bill on increasing the tax-exempt income amount from PLN 40,000 to PLN 100,000. Special insurance against natural disasters and animal diseases is yet another solution that will soon be introduced.


Your own apartment – no own contribution or formalities required

The Polish Deal includes a revolution in the apartment ownership model, as well as a new approach to liberty and private property. A house or apartment is the foundation of every family. As such, the Polish government wants to make it easier for young people to get one of their own.

One of the new solutions proposed is the removal of formalities when erecting houses with an area of up to 70 m2. This will make it easier for young families to have a place of their own. Constructing your own building not exceeding 70 m2 will only require registration. This makes it possible to reduce the construction process by up to several weeks and save money. Ready-made projects will be made available for a symbolic fee of PLN 1.00 to enable their use by anyone. 

“We wish to make it easier for young people to have a home of their own. To that end, we want to revolutionise the system of constructing houses with a foundation surface of up to 70 m2”, said Mr Morawiecki during a conference in Pułtusk. “Through a design competition, we will also provide a series of projects for a symbolic fee of 1 złoty each. This will allow anyone to download a design from a website and construct a modern, aesthetic and energy-saving house”, he added.

Tax exemption up to PLN 100,000 for farmers

Prime Minister Morawiecki emphasized that farming is Poland’s pride and raison d’État. During his visit to Mieszewo, he also encouraged everyone to buy Polish food. By doing so, Polish citizens can support farmers.

The government wants to shorten the “farm-to-fork” cycle so that the farmers retain as much sales profit as possible. To allow farmers to really spread their wings, they will also be covered by a tax exemption up to an income level of PLN 100,000.

“The Polish agriculture is the reason why Poland’s economy is doing well. This would not be possible without the Polish farmers. At the end of this harvest season, I would like to thank all farmers for their enormous hardship and effort in the name of the Council of Ministers, the entire government, as well as all Members of Parliament. This is also a thank you for your modernising of Polish agriculture and maintaining all our national traditions”, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Insurance available to all farmers

Agricultural development is the pride of Poland’s economy. The Polish Deal aims to solve the problems faced by the farmers through such things as the shifting of another several billion zlotys to agricultural aid and support efforts.

The government plans to establish a groundbreaking insurance programme for farmers to protect them against the impact of storms, droughts and other natural disasters, as well as animal diseases. It is not rare for the efforts of several generations of farmers to be obliterated by extreme weather. Farmers from all over Poland point to the unpredictability of weather and changing atmospheric phenomena. To address this issue, such insurance will be available to all farmers.

“Adverse weather, diseases affecting animals but also property damage – all that must be covered by insurance with the support of the state”, assured the Prime Minister. “Here, I can promise you that we will set up such a system rapidly. It will be ready in the coming months. This is to ensure that the next season will be an economic reality for farmers”, he added.

Strength in numbers – farmers’ associations bring more opportunities

Farmers are being encouraged to associate by the Polish government. Communities provide their members with more room for action, and so a producer group that includes several dozen farmers has a much greater negotiating power than an independent farmer. Cooperation makes it possible to negotiate better selling prices for products, among others.

“Agriculture is our pride. Polish agriculture needs better support and improved cooperation between farmers. Along with the Minister of Agriculture, we work on systems to promote producer groups to encourage farmers to make arrangements with each other; to sit at one table and ensure that they ‘come out on top’. In practice, this shows the shortening of the ‘farm-to-fork’ cycle”, said Prime Minister Morawiecki during his visit to Starynia.

Thanks to farmer associations, Polish agriculture is better integrated and gains access to new opportunities in the European market.

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