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Prime Minister: We are here for the people


One year has passed since the 15 October 2023 elections. Before the meeting of the Council of Ministers started, Prime Minister Donald Tusk thanked voters for their trust. He also thanked ministers and their colleagues for their hard work over the past year. Working together for the country and changing it for the better are among the key objectives of this government.

Before the start of the Council of Ministers meeting in Warsaw, Prime Minister Donald Tusk addressed voters thanking them for their trust.

Exactly one year ago, millions of Poles cast their votes in favour of a new, better vision for Poland. Their dedication and concern for the fate of the country was particularly evident in front of the polls, which remained open until late night hours.

We were not the heroes of that day - this honour goes to millions of Poles. They gave us the opportunity and we must not waste it. This year has not been easy. I know about all the effort, heart and soul you all poured into everything we have done so far. I also know that our voters - and many others - say that we are not doing enough, that we are too slow or too divided. Let us also learn from this and remember to be humble, keeping in mind that we are here for the people, not for our own sake,

said Prime Minister Donald Tusk to his cabinet.

He then acknowledged that the trust of citizens is not only an honour, but also a duty.

State of natural disaster lifted

15 October 2024 also marked the final day day of the state of disaster in the areas affected by the flood.

As of tomorrow, life goes back to normal in a legal sense. Of course, I am aware that this is only the beginning of the great restoration,

the Prime Minister stated.

The fate of the people affected by the disaster, supporting them and ensuring their safety are among the key issues for the government. EU funds will also be used to facilitate the rebuilding.

Not giving in to the migration pressure

The cabinet meeting was devoted to the crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus. Irregular migration and the chaos caused by the previous government has changed the status of our country, which became the target of immigration.

I know that this issue stirs up a lot of emotions; I wanted everybody who participates in this debate and who is engaged with this issue, the issue of migration through the Polish border... Our opinions and views may be different, we may also have different objectives, depending on our point of view and situation. NGO activists might have the best intentions and motives rooted in ethics to help people, and they will approach this issue in a different manner than the head of the Border Guard or a policewoman who prevents irregular border crossings. The government has other objectives, but we want to make one thing clear - everyone deserves our respect,

the Prime Minister noted.

The response to this pressure comes in the form of a cohesive action, which is detailed in the document: Take Back Control Ensure Security. Poland's comprehensive and responsible migration strategy for 2025-2030.

Solidarity in struggle

To mark World Breast Cancer Day, members of the government came to the meeting wearing pink ribbons as a sign of solidarity with women fighting with cancer.

In Poland, 19 000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year - this means more than 50 every day. Ladies between the ages of 45 and 74 are entitled to a free mammogram every two years. Only 30% of them take advantage of this opportunity on a regular basis.

They are available at more than 350 clinics: and more than 80 mobile clinics:
