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The Prime Minister has participated in the Warsaw Security Forum


The Warsaw Security Forum conference brought together people and institutions related to political and defence issues. The Head of the Polish Government took part in a discussion panel entitled "Europe at War: Discussing Central and Eastern European Support for Ukraine". The Prime Minister stressed the need for strong and decisive action on Ukraine together with the Transatlantic Community and the USA. In addition, the Head of the Polish Government met with Ingrida Šimonytė, Prime Minister of Lithuania, and Svetlana Tsikhanouska, the leader of the Belarusian opposition.

Premier Polski i pierwsza dama Ukrainy podczas Warsaw Security Forum.

Fighting Russian threats

The Prime Minister stressed that Russia was not only a military threat. He pointed to the dangers of propaganda, energy manipulation or diplomacy.

"We must learn how to fight all these Russian threats, not only on the battlefield, by supplying weapons to Ukraine - which is exactly what we have been doing for the last few months," he said.

An important element of support, which Poland is also seeking, is direct financial aid for Ukraine.

A common response to Russia's actions

”Russia has recreated the worst demons of the twentieth century - colonialism, imperialism, nationalism. All the demons we thought belonged to the dark past. But they returned to the surface”, concluded the Prime Minister.

That is why we must act quickly and decisively. We must be one step ahead of everything Putin creates. The response to the threats from Russia should be swift and common – on the part of the Transatlantic Community. This is the recipe for our success.

Meetings with the Head of the Lithuanian Government and the leader of democratic Belarus

On the occasion of the Warsaw Security Forum, the Head of the Polish Government met with the Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Šimonytė. The issues discussed during the talks included the security situation in the region, further support for Ukraine and issues related to the Polish national minority in Lithuania.

The Prime Minister presented the hopes of the Polish government for Lithuanian obligations regarding the rights of the Polish national minority to be settled as soon as possible. The bilateral meeting also confirmed the special role of Poland and Lithuania in supporting Ukraine, as well as the joint mobilisation of support from the West for this country.

The head of the Polish government also spoke with the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Svetlana Tsikhanouska. This was the latest meeting in the space of the last few months concerning the situation in our region etc.

Warsaw Security Forum – global and regional defence

Discussions during this year's panel meetings focused on the key challenges facing the North Atlantic Alliance, the European Union and partner countries, with particular emphasis on the security of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Forum also focused on the issues of economic, energy and cyber security – especially important at a time of threats caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine.

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