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Town square renovation, a sports pitch and a sports hall – brand new investment projects in the Podlaskie Voivodeship


Thanks to government programmes, investment projects vital to citizens are being implemented across Poland. Grajewo, which will soon have its town square renovated, is a perfect example in this regard. This is thanks to funding from the Government Fund for Local Investments. “It is crucial to create places in our beautiful cities where nature and culture harmonise with each other”, said Prime Minister Morawiecki during his visit to the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The Prime Minister also visited Czarna Białostocka where a new football pitch was put into use in June this year. The head of the government also noted that apart from the pitch, a sports hall is being erected as well. “This is thanks to funding from the Polish state budget – these facilities would not exist without it”, Mr Morawiecki remarked.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visit in Podlaskie Voivodeship

A fountain, new benches and greenery – Grajewo town centre to be modernised

Grajewo’s oldest section will be brought up to today’s standards, with the local Independence Square (Pol.: Plac Niepodległości) to be transformed in the process. As part of these changes, residents will gain a new, pleasant place to relax and spend their free time. To that end, a fountain and new benches will be installed and the Square itself will be enriched with plenty of greenery. “For me, it is vital to create spaces where nature and culture harmonise with each other in our cities. Ones with as much greenery and as many benches and meeting spots as possible to remind us of our rich history”, Prime Minister Morawiecki emphasized.

These are not the only changes planned to take place in Grajewo. The investment project also provides for the reconstruction of parts of the Kilińskiego and Traugutta streets, with road surfaces, pavements and lighting to be replaced.

PLN 4 million in GFLI funding for the modernisation of Grajewo’s town centre square

Grajewo has received PLN 4 million for its town centre modernisation project under the Government Fund for Local Investments. This is yet another investment project implemented thanks to government co-financing, with many more like it throughout Poland.  Be it the reconstruction of a road just around the corner, supplying equipment to hospitals, building nurseries or renovating libraries – local governments in Poland receive GFLI funding for a plethora of various initiatives. Importantly, such support is non-repayable as it is provided under the COVID-19 Prevention Fund.

To learn more about the programme, click here.

Sports investment projects in Czarna Białostocka

By now, children and youth from Czarna Białostocka have already been enjoying their new football pitch for a full month. The facility is equipped with all the necessary amenities, including roofed booths for substitutes and artificial lighting. Thanks to the renovation of an old boiler house next to the pitch, the children have gained two changing rooms as well. The state budget has provided more than PLN 1.2 million in funding to support the project. “Sometimes I am asked why we invest in sports facilities in smaller localities. I recall the words of Kuba Błaszczykowski, who said that if a Kuba Błaszczykowski from the village of Truskolasy could achieve what he did, then everyone should follow their dreams”, the Prime Minister remarked.

Yet this is not the end of good sports news for Czarna Białostocka! A full-size sports hall is under construction as well. It is the commune’s first large investment project of this type. “We are dealing with a breakthrough event. We want each commune and county to have various types of higher-end sports facilities and equipment”, the Prime Minister added.

The hall’s ground floor will house changing rooms, bathrooms, a staff room and toilets. Additional facilities planned to be set up in the building include a gym, a sports equipment storage area and administrative rooms. Stands with 128 seats will be built on the first floor. The remaining rooms will include two dance halls, a corrective gymnastics room, a warehouse, as well as changing rooms, toilets and utility rooms. The hall will be connected to the No. 2 Primary School in Czarna Białostocka. Government funding has been provided for this project as well, amounting to nearly PLN 5 million.

The Polish Deal: supporting local investment projects

The primary cornerstones of the Polish Deal are lower taxes, better health care, higher salaries and pensions, as well as support for families. Apart from these key projects, smaller initiatives to benefit local communities are also planned. Thanks to this, residents will be able to relax and spend their free time actively.

Hundreds of urban greening projects will be implemented as part of the plan to bring Polish cities back to life after the COVID-19 pandemic. Other planned projects include revitalising public spaces, as well as reconstructing pavements and bicycle paths. Numerous cultural and tourist infrastructure facilities will be refurbished and brought to today’s standards. Sports fields and centres are also planned to be modernised with government support.

To learn more about projects to be implemented under the Polish Deal, click here.

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