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Inspection of the project entitled “Investments in green and blue infrastructure in Grodzisk Mazowiecki”


See how the EEA FM funds helped Grodzisk Mazowiecki become greener.

Investments in green and blue infrastructure in Grodzisk Mazowiecki

The detailed description of the project can be found on the website:

On 16 November 2022, a study visit to Grodzisk Mazowiecki was paid by the representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the invited guests, inter alia, from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway to Poland and the Programme Operators from Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Greece, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

The municipality of Grodzisk has been presented as an exemplary beneficiary implementing a project under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme co-financed from the EEA FM funds. One of the highlights of the visit was the presentation of the Wolności Square, one of the showcases of the city, by the municipality representatives. The renovation of the square, completed in August 2022, was one of the most important stages of work under the project. As a result of these activities, the residents have a completely altered square at their disposal. The invited guests unanimously stated that this was a unique place and the majority of solutions applied could be successfully used in the projects currently implemented in their countries.

As part of the project activities, the green urban space has been rearranged to include ubiquitous flowerbeds full of flowers and various plants. New trees have been planted and those which have already grown on the square, have been integrated into the environment in such a way that they became a natural sun protection. This allowed to eliminate urban “heat islands”. Thanks to this, people visiting this place were given an opportunity to rest and relax surrounded by nature. Pedestrians asked about their opinions, praised all the solutions applied.

Many times, during the study visit, the municipality representatives stressed how important was the project activity aimed at increasing water retention. Mrs Katarzyna, being one of the city office representatives, explained in detail what had been included in those works, namely:

  • replacement of the surface with the permeable one, which resulted in increasing the active surface up to 48%;
  • installation of underground water tanks and creation of 4 retention basins with rain gardens (these are depressions planted with vegetation resistant to temporary flooding). The objective of these activities is to collect rainwater from the surface to the underground tanks and, if necessary, to use the collected water later on.

We decided to confront our feelings with those of the residents walking around the square. We asked them what, according to them, was the most interesting/attractive point of that investment project. Most often, the respondents praised the whole project, however, some of them pointed to the city fountain (the facility which due to the season and unfavourable weather was turned off during the inspection). However, we were informed by the contractor that this was a facility which, in hot periods, enjoyed great popularity and in addition to aesthetic values had also a practical application. It has a real impact on improving the surrounding climate, by bettering the air quality and humidity.

Thanks to the kindness of the municipality employees, in the gallery we showed you a photo illustrating how the above-described fountain looks in the summer.

We encourage you to visit this place.

Most important information about the project.


85% are the funds from the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, of which 85% of support comes from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) and 15% from the state budget.

Implementation period

from 23.11.2021 to 30.04.2024.

Total cost of the project:

PLN 6.3 million

PLN 4.6 million
