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Deposit-refund system in Poland

In 2025, the deposit-refund system will come into force in Poland. The Ministry of Climate and Environment is working on an amendment to the Act passed in July 2023. The amendments introduced are intended to specify the provisions on the issuing, revocation and amendment of the authorisation of a deposit-refund system. The draft also takes into account industry proposals related, among others, to linking the deposit with the packaging through the entire sales chain, the exclusion of dairy packaging or the introduction of a harmonised labelling system.  

What will the system look like ?

The deposit-refund system is a mechanism to promote the recycling and reuse of packaging. It will be created by entrepreneurs marketing beverages in packaging covered by the deposit-refund system through a representative entity and shops where such products are offered. Traders introducing beverages in packaging covered by the system will be required to display a label on such packaging indicating that the packaging is covered by the deposit-refund system and specifying the amount of the deposit. Reusable beverage packaging will be covered by the system: PET bottles up to 3 litres and metal cans up to 1 litre, and reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 litres. The amount of the deposit is defined in the regulation: 50 groszy for PET bottles and cans, 1 zł for glass bottles. And how will the system work?

Operating principles of the system

  • A deposit will be charged to the customer when purchasing a beverage in a package with a logo. IMPORTANT - the deposit will only be added to the price of the beverages at the cash desk,
  • All retail outlets, irrespective of their area, if they offer beverages in packaging covered by the system, will charge a deposit. IMPORTANT - the business profile of the shop concerned does not matter, only the products offered are important,
  • Packaging covered by the system will be appropriately labelled, with the deposit-refund system logo. IMPORTANT - it will not be possible to collect deposits for packaging without logos,
  • The deposit will be available for collection when the packaging is returned - IMPORTANT when returning packaging, no receipt will be required to retrieve the deposit,
  • Packaging can be returned at any collection point - The obligation to collect the packaging covered by the system is imposed on shops over 200 m2and small shops under 200 m2 can voluntarily join the system. IMPORTANT packaging should not be crushed before being taken to a collection point,
  • It will also be possible to create collection points for empty packaging outside retail outlets.

What are the benefits of the system?

  • reducing environmental pollution from packaging waste,
  • increasing the level of selective collection of packaging waste,
  • increasing recycling rates for packaging waste,
  • creating positive habits regarding waste segregation.

The basis for the introduction of the deposit-refund system in Poland was Directive 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (the so-called SUP Directive). It imposed the obligation on Member States to ensure selective collection for recycling purposes.

Additional information

Entrepreneurs placing packaged beverages on the market will be required to achieve certain levels of selective collection of packaging and packaging waste under the system (77% from 2025 and 90% from 2029). In addition, for single-use plastic bottles, they will be obliged to ensure that these packages, including their caps and lids, contain a proportion by weight of at least: from 2025 - 25% of recycled plastics and from 2030 - 30% of recycled plastics.

In accordance with the principle of extended producer responsibility, entities introducing beverages in containers covered by the deposit-refund system will finance the deposit-refund system. Entities introducing beverages will bear the costs associated with, among other things, the collection, acceptance and transport of packaging and waste, or keeping records and accounting for deposits.

The system will additionally be funded from the unreturned deposits and from the sale of recycled materials. The act of law allows several deposit-refund system operators to operate in the market.

Most frequently asked questions

Operating principles of the system

What does the deposit-refund system involve?

The deposit-refund system is a mechanism whereby consumers pay an additional fee (deposit) when purchasing goods in packaging covered by the system, which is refunded to them when the packaging is returned to the collection point.

The deposit-refund system is a mechanism to support the recycling and reuse of packaging. The system will be set up by entrepreneurs marketing packaged beverages (manufacturers, importers, brand owners) and by shops offering packaged beverage products covered by the deposit-refund system. Entrepreneurs marketing beverages in packaging covered by the system will be required to display a label on such packaging indicating that the packaging is covered by the deposit-refund system and specifying the amount of the deposit.

When will the deposit-refund system be in force in Poland?

The deposit-refund system was introduced by the Act of 13 July 2023 amending the Act on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management and certain other acts (Journal of Laws item 1852). The deposit-refund system in Poland was introduced based on Directive 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (the so-called SUP Directive). The deposit-refund system will be launched in 2025.

What types of packaging will be covered by the deposit-refund system?

The deposit-refund system will cover single-use plastic beverage packaging with a volume of up to 3 litres, metal cans with a volume of up to 1 litre and reusable glass bottles with a volume of up to 1.5 litres.

What does the labelling of the packaging covered by the system look like?

Labels indicating membership of the system and the amount of the deposit must be displayed on the packaging covered by the system. A model of the labelling is available on the MKiŚ website:

Do similar solutions operate in other countries?

The deposit-refund system has been operating for many years in various countries worldwide, both in Europe and in North America. In Europe, it is available in countries such as: Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Norway or Sweden. Moreover, several EU countries consider introducing regulations in this area. The solutions adopted and designed in individual countries differ, among other things, in terms of the mandatory nature of the system, the type of packaging included or the amount of the deposit.


Benefits of the deposit-refund system

How does the deposit-refund system support environmental protection?

The introduction of the deposit-refund system will contribute to reducing contamination of environmental packaging waste, increasing the level of recycling achieved for packaging waste and reducing the consumption of primary raw materials. In addition, it will create positive habits in the society regarding waste segregation and it will be the next step towards the transition to a circular economy.

What EU objectives may we achieve due to the introduction of the deposit-refund system?

Entities placing packaged beverages on the market will be required to achieve certain levels of selective collection of packaging and packaging waste under the system (77% from 2025 and 90% from 2029). Moreover, for single-use plastic bottles, they will be obliged to ensure that these packages, including their caps and lids, contain a proportion by weight of at least: from 2025 - 25% of recycled plastics and from 2030 - 30% of recycled plastics.

Why does the deposit-refund system cover plastic, metal and glass packaging?

Research carried out to date indicates that plastic packaging waste, metal cans and glass bottles are among the types of waste most frequently contaminating the environment.

Why is reusable glass packaging covered by the system?

Reusable glass packaging is a key element in bringing the transition to a circular economy a step closer. Therefore, a need exists to carry out activities to promote the use of this type of packaging. The best example of the use of reusable packaging by manufacturers is the returnable glass bottle, which can replace around 20 single-use bottles. In Germany, a glass bottle is returned to circulation on average, 45 times, whereas in Finland it is refilled on average, 33 times before it is recycled.


Deposit flow

What will be the deposit amount?

The amount of the deposit for individual types of packaging covered by the deposit-refund system is defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Climate and the Environment. In accordance with the regulation, the deposit will amount to 50 grosz for PET bottles and metal cans and 1 zł for reusable glass bottles.

Who will collect the deposit from me?

The deposit will be collected upon purchase of drinks in packaging covered by the deposit-refund system. The collection of the deposit will be the responsibility of all outlets trading and selling such products.

Will the deposit be added to the price of the product on the shelf?

No, the deposit should not be added to the price of the product, as this will disrupt the competitiveness of the product concerned among other products on offer. The deposit will only be charged upon sale, i.e. “at the cash desk”. Therefore, it should be remembered that the amount we will have to pay for the product at the cash desk will be higher by the amount of the deposit.

How do I know that the correct deposit has been charged for particular packaging?

Labels indicating membership of the system and the amount of the deposit must be displayed on the packaging covered by the system. A model of the labelling is available on the website:

Where can I recover my deposit?

Consumers will recover the deposit paid upon returning the packaging to the collection point. The obligation to collect the packaging covered by the system is imposed on shops above 200 m2, while small shops below 200 m2 can join the system and organise collection points on a voluntary basis. Other collectors can also join the system.

Will I need a receipt to recover my deposit?

No, the deposit-refund system will be receiptless, which means that the consumer will be able to return the packaging at any collection point without showing a proof of purchase. The collection point will only return the deposit by verifying that the packaging is covered by the deposit-refund system.

Will the deposit be subject to VAT?

VAT will not be charged at the product distribution stages and will not be charged to the end customers purchasing products or to the retail outlets distributing the products. The VAT solutions proposed in the amendment to the act of law stipulate a uniform approach to all types of packaging covered by the deposit-refund system, i.e. the same rules will cover reusable and disposable packaging under the deposit-refund system. Representing entities will only be required to collect and pay VAT on deposits for packaging covered by the deposit-refund system that has not been returned to the system.

What will happen to unclaimed deposit?

The deposit not collected by consumers will be transferred to the system operator and used for funding the system.


Packaging returns

Where can I return the packaging?

It will be possible to return the packaging at any collection point. The obligation to collect the packaging covered by the system will be imposed on shops over 200 m2 (small shops under 200 m2 can voluntarily join the system). It will be possible to collect packaging manually, e.g. by shop staff, or in an automated manner in special devices (in the so-called bottle machines).

Should I crush the bottle before returning it?

No, the packaging returned at the collection point should be empty and without any signs of damage.

Can I return packaging purchased prior to the launch of the system under the system?

No, packaging purchased prior to the launch of the deposit-refund system will not be accepted at collection points. It will only be possible to reclaim the deposit for packaging that bears the label of belonging to the deposit-refund system.

What should be done with packaging that is not covered by the system?

It will still be possible to dispose of the packaging of beverages not covered by the deposit-refund system in the appropriate waste container.


System operators

Which entities are the deposit-refund system operators in Poland?

The deposit-refund system to be introduced in Poland will be a decentralised system, offering entrepreneurs a possibility to establish their own packaging collection entities. This means that the legislator allows several deposit-refund system operators to operate in the market. This solution will not affect the use of the system by consumers.

What are the obligations of operators towards commercial entities?

The regulations indicate that each operator is free to design its own operating rules, including the overall design of the system and the way of its management, in particular the methods of settlement between operators and retail outlets involved in the particular deposit-refund system. In accordance with Article 44 (8) of the Act, agreements to be concluded between the representative entity and entrepreneurs operating retail or wholesale entities, should include, in particular: rules for the settlement of deposits and rules for the collection and transfer of packaging and packaging waste generated from packaging. Any additional arrangements will be worked out by the operators together with the entities and will depend on the extent of the entity’s involvement in participation in the deposit-refund system: whether in terms of only collecting the deposit or in terms of returning the deposit and collecting empty packaging and packaging waste (Article 44(1)-(3) of the Act). Any arrangement in the scope of organisational arrangements should be part of the agreements concluded with the system operator.


Deposit-refund System Operators

The first deposit-refund system operator with the official authorisation of the Minister of Climate and Environment

Pursuant to the decision of 18 March 2024, the Minister for Climate and Environment granted the authorisation to operate the deposit-refund system to the National Deposit-refund System - Krajowy System Kaucyjny Zwrotka S.A. This authorisation enables establishing the system for entities marketing beverages in deposit-covered packaging and the return of this deposit to the end user. Read more.

Decision of the Minister of Climate and Environment on issuing the authorisation to the deposit-refund system operator

Having considered the application of 14 December 2023 (date of receipt by the MKIŚ: 18 December 2023) submitted by the Representing Entity: System Kaucyjny ZWROTKA S.A. (operating under the name Krajowy System Kaucyjny ZWROTKA S.A.), the Minister of Climate and Environment , pursuant to its decision of 18 March 2024 granted the authorisation to operate the deposit-refund system to KSK ZWROTKA S.A. Read more.

The next deposit-refund system operator with the official authorisation of the Minister of Climate and Environment

Pursuant to the decision of 17 July 2024, the Minister for Climate and Environment granted the authorisation to operate the deposit-refund system to the OK Operator Kaucyjny S.A.  The decision will enable a system to be set up for the marketers of packaging covered by the deposit and its return to end users. Read more.



Directive 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (the so-called SUP Directive)
Act of 13 July 2023 amending the Act on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management and certain other acts
Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of 8 July 2024 on the amount of deposits for individual types of packaging covered by the deposit-refund system
Labelling of packaging in the deposit-refund system (files to download)
Information in Polish