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To schedule an appointment with a specialist, patients have the option to visit the registration desk: 

  • in person, 
  • by telephone, 
  • through a third party. 

Necessary Documents 

The following documents are required: 

  • Referral to a specialist clinic or an e-referral code (“kod e-skierowania"), 
  • Identity card, 
  • Document confirming entitlement to benefits, such as ZUS RMUA, a workplace certificate, a stamped Social Security card (“legitymacja ZUS”), a pension slip, a current certificate from the labor office (for unemployed individuals), or any other document confirming payment of health insurance premiums. 

Please note that a referral is not required for outpatient specialized services provided by: 

  • Psychiatrists, 
  • Oncologists, 
  • Venereologists, 
  • Dentists, 
  • Gynecologists and obstetricians. 

SPECIALIST TREATMENT WITHOUT A REFERRAL can be used by (Article 57 of the Act)*: 

  • Individuals suffering from tuberculosis. 
  • Individuals infected with HIV. 
  • War and military invalids, veterans, and repressed individuals. 
  • Civilian blind victims of warfare. 
  • Eligible soldiers or employees, regarding the treatment of injuries or diseases acquired during tasks performed beyond state borders. 
  • Aggrieved veterans, in the context of treating injuries or diseases acquired during tasks performed beyond state borders. 
  • Individuals under 18 years of age diagnosed with a severe and irreversible handicap or an incurable life-threatening disease, originating during prenatal development or childbirth (effective from 01.01.2017). 
  • Anti-communist opposition activists and individuals repressed for political reasons (effective from 31.08.2017). 
  • In the field of addiction treatment: individuals seeking help for addiction and individuals seeking help for codependency. This includes individuals related or unrelated to the addict, cohabiting with them, and those whose mental condition is affected due to an emotional relationship with the addict (effective from 14.10.2017). 
  • Individuals with a severe disability certificate (effective from 01.07.2018). 
  • Individuals with a disability certificate indicating the need for permanent or long-term care or assistance from another person due to significantly limited ability to lead an independent life. This also includes the need for the child's guardian's constant involvement in the treatment, rehabilitation, and education process (effective from 01.07.2018). 
  • Individuals deported to forced labor and imprisoned in labor camps by the Third Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (effective from 30.10.2018). 


A declaration of a relative
25280​_Oświadczenie​_osoby​_bliskiej-do​_druku-skonwertowany.pdf 0.21MB
Authorization for medical records
25279​_Upow​_do​_dokumentacji​_medycznej-wersja​_do​_druku-skonwertowany.pdf 0.18MB
Authorization to receive medical records once
25278​_Upow​_do​_jednorazowego​_odbioru​_dokumentacji​_medycznej-do​_druku-skonwertowany.pdf 0.16MB
Application for access to medical records
25277​_Wniosek​_o​_udost​_dokumentacji​_med-do-druku-skonwertowany.pdf 0.23MB
Declaration of choosing a service provider - midwife
17882​_POZ​_deklaracja​_wyboru​_swiadczeniodawcy​_-​_polozna.pdf 0.15MB
Declaration of choosing a service provider - nurse
17881​_POZ​_deklaracja​_wyboru​_swiadczeniodawcy​_-​_pielegniarka.pdf 0.15MB
Declaration of choosing a service provider - doctor
17880​_POZ​_deklaracja​_wyboru​_swiadczeniodawcy​_-​_lekarz.pdf 0.15MB