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Minister of Justice’s 2020 performance assessment

Below we present the assessment of the Minister of Justice of the implementation of the tasks in the field of free legal aid, free civic counselling and legal education for 2023. The legal basis for the prepared assessment is Article 12(5) and Article 16(1) of the act of 5 August 2015 on free legal aid, free civic counselling and legal education (Dz. U z 2021 r. poz. 945), according to which the Minister of Justice evaluates the performance of tasks in the field of free legal aid, free civic counselling and legal education for a given year by 30 June of the following year.

teczka z białą kartką z narysowanymi kolorowymi słupkami i strzałka pokazującą rosnące statystyki, czarny obracany długopis

In the prepared assessment, the Minister of Justice analysed the aggregate information provided to him by the starosts on a quarterly basis, through relevant voivodes. The conclusions of this analysis also include information on the problems reported in the course of providing free legal aid and free civic counselling, indicating in particular current or projected needs in the field of free legal aid and free civic counselling.

In the contents of the Assessment, the Minister of Justice discussed, among others, the number of free-of-charge points, areas of law and categories of cases in which advice was provided, as well as the number and profile of persons benefiting from free-of-charge assistance. Moreover, in the Assessment, the Minister of Justice presented the final conclusions and recommendations for the development of the system of free legal assistance, free civic counselling and legal education in Poland.


2020 evaluation of the Minister of Justice’s performance
2020​_evaluation​_of​_the​_Minister​_of​_Justice’s​_performance..pdf 12.63MB