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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Namibia were established on 21 March 1990

Political cooperation

Poland recognized the Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990, on the day this country proclaimed its independence, and at the same time both countries established diplomatic relations. The Ambassador of the Republic of Poland based in Pretoria is accredited to Namibia, while the Ambassador of Namibia residing in Berlin is accredited to Poland. During the Namibian struggle for independence, Poland maintained close contacts with activists of the national liberation movement of Namibia SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organization), both through the office of this organization in Berlin, as well as Polish embassies in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Angola. Poland was also providing support in the field of medical care (regarding about 100 SWAPO guerrillas) and staff training. As part of the scholarship program „The AFRICA fund" several dozen of young Namibians have completed higher education in Poland. President of Namibia, S. Nujoma visited Poland twice as the leader of SWAPO (in 1977 and in 1981).  In addition Poland was one of the members of the UN Council for Namibia.  Among the representatives of the older generation of the elite ruling Namibia, the memory of Polish solidarity and Polish assistance during the struggle of the Namibian people for independence is still alive. From the Namibian side the following visits were paid in Poland:  Minister of Regional Administration and Construction L. Apollus Amathila, graduate of the Warsaw Medical Academy, later Deputy Prime Minister in the government of N. Angula (1993) and Deputy Minister of Planning P. Ndishishi, graduate of SGPiS (1996). From the Polish side, the following visits were paid in Namibia: Special Envoy of Minister SZ R. Czyżycki (1995), Minister of Foreign Affairs W. Bartoszewski (1995), Minister of Foreign Affairs W. Cimoszewicz (2004).

Economic cooperation

ACP-EU Partnership Agreement signed on 23 June 2000 in Cotonou regulated the EU-Namibia, and thus Poland-Namibia, trade relations until the end of 2007. A new temporary IEPA agreement was signed in December 2007. The European Union signed on 10 June 2016 the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with six countries, including Namibia, which are the members of the South African Development Community (SADC). Poland's trade turnover with Namibia amounted to USD 6.3 million in 2017 (Poland's exports to Namibia amounted to USD 3.3 million, and Polish import from Namibia amounted to USD 3.0 million).

Scientific cooperation

Polish citizens may study at the Universities in Namibia.  There is also a possibility to recognize education obtained in the leading Polish academic institutions.  Polish universities offer a number of interesting programs for foreign students on paid studies.

Recognition of Education

Ministry of Education Namibia 

National Council for Higher Education (NCHE)  

Namibia Qualifications Authority 

Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange