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POLONISTA – scholarship and fellowship program for students and scientists


The National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced recruitment for the POLONISTA 2020 Scholarship Program for students and researchers. A novelty in this year's edition of the Program is the possibility of submitting applications by scientists interested in the language, culture and history of Poland, as well as extending the offer for students with scholarships for full Polish second – cycle studies.

POLONISTA – scholarship and fellowship program for students and scientists


The objective of the Program is to promote Polish language in the world by enabling foreigners interested in Polish language and Polish culture to study or carry out research projects in Poland. The program is addressed to students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programs implemented among others as part of Slavic studies (in the field of Polish language, Polish culture and knowledge about Poland) as well as to scientists from foreign universities and scientific institutions.


During the stay at a Polish university, NAWA Scholarship Holders may develop their interest in Polish matters by participating in lectures and classes in accordance with the program of selected studies, conducting research, carrying out scientific projects, collecting materials for their thesis or scientific work, improving the command of Polish language as well as using resources of libraries, universities and archives.

As part of the Program, partial studies (one or two semesters) or full second cycle studies may be implemented. Applicants shall choose the university at which they plan to study by themselves. The field of studies chosen by the Applicant should be consistent with the program of studies carried out at the Home university. The Applicant has to obtain the consent of the Host university to undertake studies, and in the case of candidates for full studies – has to successfully complete the recruitment procedure at the selected university.


Under the Program, Scientists from foreign academic and research centres may realize at Polish universities and scientific institutions research projects lasting from 3 to 12 months the purpose of which is, among others, conducting scientific research (including in cooperation with Polish scientists), obtaining research materials or scientific publications, postdoctoral internship, conducting classes at the Host centre, intensive learning of Polish language.

During the recruitment proceedings, the Applicants have to submit the invitation from the Host Centre confirming its readiness to host NAWA Scholarship Holder.The call for applications for the Programme shall be held until 30 April 2019.

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