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Temporary limitations of border traffic in Poland. Information for foreigners


Temporary limitations of border traffic, enforced due to the COVID 19 pandemic, consist in the limitation of incoming passenger traffic at border crossing points of the Republic of Poland, to the following categories of persons, i.a.:

Announcement of epidemiological threat

- foreigners who are spouses or children of citizens of the Republic of Poland or who remain under permanent care of citizens of the Republic of Poland

- heads of diplomatic missions and members of diplomatic and consular staff of missions, i.e. persons with a diplomatic rank and their family members

- foreigners who have a permanent or temporary residence permit in the territory of the Republic of Poland

- foreigners who have the right to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland, i.e. foreigners who have the right to perform work based on the same rules as Polish citizens, who have a work permit, seasonal work permit, declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland

- foreigners operating vehicles that transport goods

- students receiving education in Poland

All categories of persons listed above, except for diplomatic passport holders, are obliged to 14-days quarantine after crossing the border.

