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World Bicycle Day marked in South Africa!


The World Bicycle Day was established by the United Nations in April 2018 and is dedicated to one of the most popular means of transport in the world. This is a great opportunity to appreciate the benefits of cycling and to promote ecological and healthy alternatives to traditional means of transport. The originator and initiator of the establishment of this holiday is a Pole - Leszek Sibilski, a former track cyclist, currently a lecturer at the University of Washington.

World Bicycle Day marked in South Africa

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria, in cooperation with the prestigious Pretoria Boys High school, organized a bicycle rally on June 3, 2023 to celebrate World Bicycle Day.

Among the participants were the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland Adam Burakowski, the management of Pretoria Boys High, representatives of the Polish Association in Pretoria and the Foreign Trade Office of PAIH in Johannesburg. A 5 km-long bicycle route was organized on the extensive and well-kept grounds of the school. Prizes for the winners funded by the Polish Embassy and PVM were presented by Ambassador Adam Burakowski and the Vice Principal of Pretoria Boys High School Joanna Holliday.

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria organized a national stand with the traditional food and publications about Poland. The gathered contestants could try Polish dumplings, which, as always, aroused great interest and recognition.

The event was open and was addressed not only to school students, but to everyone who wanted to join the World Bicycle Day celebrations.


Photos" Grażyna Koornhof/Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Pretoria

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