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Ambassador Buzalski at a conference at the Polish Institute of International Affairs


The conference organized on December 10, 2019 by the Polish Institute of International Affairs, in which Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski took part, was devoted to the history of the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict and prospects for the normalization of cooperation between these two countries.

1 Debate on Ethiopian-Eritrean relations

Ambassador Buzalski, who participated in the discussion on the recent history of both countries, focused primarily on the years 1992-2012 – the period when Meles Zenawi was the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. Panel participants also discussed the prospects for further Ethiopian-Eritrean cooperation and possible actions on the part of the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abyi Ahmed to open a joint border and economic cooperation with Eritrea. The conference was the first event focused on African issues organized by PISM in several years.

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