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Diplomatic relations between Poland and the Comoros were established on June 6th, 1977.

Political cooperation

Political cooperation after 1989

Until 2016, the Comoros remained within the territorial competence of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nairobi, and from 2017 – the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam. In 2019, during the submission of credentials, Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski met with President Azali Assoumani. He also paid a visit to Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed El-Amine Souef. The Union of Comoros has not yet accredited its diplomatic representative in Poland.

Recognition of academic qualifications

Documents confirming education are recognized on general principles. Poland and the Comoros did not sign any bilateral agreements in this respect.

Polish institutions operating in the Comoros

There are no Polish institutions in the Comoros. The country is under the territorial competence of the Polish Embassy in Dar es Salaam.