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Ambassador Buzalski at the inauguration of the Kondiki dairy complex in Mwika


On October 29, 2020, Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski participated in the inauguration of the Kondiki dairy complex in Mwika in the Kilimanjaro region.


The inauguration was attended by representatives of local authorities as well as residents and employees of dairy plants and also by representatives of the Poland-East Africa Economic Foundation implementing the project with its president, Mr. Robert Zduńczyk. The project is financed by Polish Aid and covers the construction of a dairy, a conference and training room, an advisory center, feed storage buildings, a farm supply point and a dairy shop.

Tanzania has the second largest cattle stock in Africa, but milk and dairy production is very low. According to data from the World Bank, in 2020 the shortage of consumption milk will amount to approx. 600 million liters. This is due to the low productivity of cows, the poor organization of the dairy sector and the lack of modern milk production and storage technologies. The project in Mwika, financed by Polish Aid, is part of the solution to these challenges. In addition to supporting small cattle breeders and milk producers grouped in the Kondiki cooperative with modern Polish technologies and infrastructure as well as vocational training, it also includes information activities to promote milk consumption and its impact on health, especially in children and adolescents.

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