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Ambassador Buzalski visited development projects in the Kilombero Valley


Support of the Embassy and Polish aid in the field of peaceful coexistence of people and elephants and sustainable development of local communities, as well as the construction of a modern fire service were the topics of conversations between Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski and the team of national park guards and NGOs in the Kilombero Valley.

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At the turn of March and April 2023, Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski travelled to the Kilombero Valley, where as part of small grants from Polish Aid, the Embassy has been supporting the activities of the non-governmental organization STEP for the protection of Tanzania's biodiversity and conflict-free coexistence of people and wild animals.

The aim of the activities supported by Polish Aid is to ensure the long-term recovery of this globally important elephant population, while improving the safety, well-being and livelihoods of local communities. Ambassador Buzalski met with representatives of a micro-loan cooperative from the village of Msolwa in the Kilombero Valley, who told him about the opportunities for development they had obtained thanks to the project that the Embassy is implementing together with the STEP organization.

The Ambassador also took part in a tree planting campaign in the Kilombero Valley Elephant Corridor together with STEP and Reforest Africa, which supports the creation of Tanzania's first wildlife link between national parks.

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