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Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński visited the United Republic of Tanzania


The dynamic development of bilateral relations and the prospects for their further intensification, both in the political and economic spheres, were the main topics of Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński's visit to the United Republic of Tanzania on June 22-24, 2021.

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- Poland perceives Tanzania as a key partner on the African continent, one of the four priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa as part of development cooperation. We would like to develop even closer relations, especially in the economic sphere - emphasized Deputy Minister Jabłoński during a meeting with his Tanzanian counterpart, the deputy minister of foreign affairs and East African cooperation, Mbarouk Nasser Mbarouk.

Apart from talks at the Tanzanian MFA, Deputy Minister Jabłoński held talks at the ministries responsible for the most important areas of Polish-Tanzanian cooperation.

The meeting with the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Education, Joyce Ndalichako, attended by representatives of Polish universities and non-governmental organizations, was devoted to educating human resources necessary for the development of the leading sectors of the Tanzanian economy, including academic cooperation in the field of agriculture. A particularly important area of ​​this cooperation may be the intensification of student exchange from both countries and increasing the availability of scholarships. These issues were also devoted to the meeting of Deputy Minister Jabłoński with Bertram Mapunda, the rector of the Jordan University College, supported by Polish aid, and with Polish missionaries cooperating with this university.

Talks with the Minister of Finance and Planning Mwigulu Nchemba, Minister of Trade and Industry Prof. Kitila Mkumbo and Deputy Minister of Agriculture Hussein Bashe concerned the prospects and conditions of economic cooperation in terms of investment opportunities for Polish companies in Tanzania. Polish enterprises offering modern technologies are interested in it, including the field of ICT, fintech, water and sanitary infrastructure, mining and processing of minerals as well as environmental protection. As part of the economic agenda, the previous experience of Polish companies implementing contracts based on government loans in tied aid was also discussed.

During the visit, the deputy head of Polish diplomacy also met with Maryprisca Winfried Mahundi, deputy minister for water resources, with whom he signed an agreement on determining the scope of work under the Polish-Tanzanian project to modernize the water supply system and effective water resources management, in Dar Es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania and the capital of the country Dodoma, as well as involving strengthening the staff of local institutions. The project will be implemented with the involvement of Polish enterprises from the ICT and water sector as well as universities.

Deputy Minister Jabłoński also visited the Livestock Training Agency (LITA) in Tengeru, supported by Poland for over ten years by increasing the competences of the staff educating specialists in animal health care, improving infrastructure and equipping with modern laboratory equipment. The visit also included the center of the APOPO organization in Morogoro, which deals with the diagnosis and detection of tuberculosis infections by southern giant pouched rats. Thanks to Polish aid, the tuberculosis detection program in Tanzania was extended to include other clinics in the Dodoma and Morogoro region.

The deputy chief of Polish diplomacy also paid a visit to the Polish cemetery in Tengeru (the largest Polish cemetery in Tanzania for civilian exiles accompanying General Anders' Army), he also met with the Polish community and Polish missionaries working in Tanzania.

The visit of Deputy Minister Jabłoński was accompanied by an economic mission organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, composed of representatives of Polish companies interested in being present in Tanzania.

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