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Our Embassy participated in the European Film Festival in Tanzania


As part of the European Film Festival, which joined forces with the Zanzibar International Film Festival, on October 27 - November 18, 2022, movies from 11 European countries, including Poland and Ukraine, were screened.

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The EFF was organized for the second time (first time in 2021) by the EU Delegation and 10 Member States present in Dar es Salaam: Belgium, Finland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine and presented films in 3 cities: Dar es Salaam, Bagamoyo and Iringa.

Representatives of our Embassy took part in the inauguration of the Festival at the Goethe Institut, where the Oscar-nominated Tanzanian movie "Vuta N'Kuvute/Tug of War" was screened.

Ambassador Krzysztof Buzalski and the staff of Embassy also participated in the screening of Ukrainian films „MA!” and „My Thoughts Are Quiet” at the Goethe Institut, during which we also supported Ambassador Andriy Pravednyk who came from Nairobi, presenting a joint Polish-Ukrainian exhibition „Mom, I don't want war!".

The screening of the Polish movie „Biały potok/Beloved neighbours" took place on November 18 at the Alliance Francaise, where we also presented the exhibition "Poland". The event was attended by Ambassador Buzalski and representatives of the Embassy, as well as the Polish community and local audience.

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