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Polish Aid improves the educational, sanitary and hygienic conditions of the community in Kiabakari


In the North-West of Tanzania - in Kiabakari - two development projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within ‘Polish Development Aid in 2021’ competition and carried-out by the Kiabakari Foundation as well as the Catholic Parish of Kiabakari have been inaugurated.


As a result of the Shule yangu, Nyumba yangu project (My school, my home) a two-storey, modern boarding house in the proximity of the primary school in Kiabakari has been created and it is now ready to host 200 schoolgirls from the Mara region in Tanzania, who would be otherwise unable to attend school, and thus could be deprived of a chance for education.  It will accommodate children suffering in their everyday lives from poor housing, sanitary and nutritional conditions, as well as children from families at risk of violence who do not have the opportunity to study at home. As part of the project, additional preventive examinations were carried out for 300 primary school students, which allowed for the assessment of the children's health, as well as for taking next steps to ensure any further diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Moreover, a series of trainings within the Health and Hygiene Week was conducted, and additionally children received sanitary packages.

The second project, entitled Mvua na Jua - Lengo Moja (Rain and Sun - One Purpose), aimed at ensuring the energy security and independence of the Kiabakari health center and strengthening the sanitary and epidemic safety of the community. In addition to the construction and installation of a sanitary point, two large photovoltaic systems for two local health facilities have been installed. The systems allow switching between the solar/electric energy usage and profiting from the solar energy even for the surgical interventions. As part of the project, a training service on hygiene and safety was also organized, also in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The opening ceremony of the projects was attended by the local community, among whom: children, teachers and their parents, representatives of the secular authorities and clergy of Tanzania, including Bishop Michael George Mabuga Msonganzila, honorary guest – General Major Michael Joseph Isamuhyo, event organizer and project partner Reverend Parish Priest of Kiabakari Wojciech Kościelniak, president of the Kiabakari Foundation Bożena Koczur and a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam Katarzyna Sobiecka.


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