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#Polonia4Neighbours: Polish missionaries support the clinic in Maganzo


Polish Elizabethan sisters working in Tanzania supported the staff and patients of the St. Padre Pio Health Center in Maganzo, in the north of the country. The project was implemented as part of the #Polonia4Neighbours campaign.

Polish sister in the St. Padre Pio Health Center in Maganzo

As part of a project co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the sisters donated personal protective equipment and hygiene products to the staff and patients of the Center. Tanzania is the only African country in which Elizabethan sisters are present. Thanks to their efforts, the St. Padre Pio Health Center in Maganzo was built and started to receive several dozen patients from surrounding towns every day.

Under the #Polonia4Neighbours scheme, the Polish Foreign Ministry lends financial support to assistance projects and actions carried out by Poles living abroad and promotes solidarity with local communities. Polish community organizations, scouting and school associations, as well as churches join local initiatives and come up with their own activities to help others and support their home countries through these difficult times.

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