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[UPDATE 13.05.2020] Suspension of visa service prolonged


As of March 15th Poland has temporarily closed its borders to foreigners. The ban on entry of the latter into the country has been prolonged until June 12th 2020. As a result, the suspension of the visa service at the Embassy of Poland in Dar es Salaam has been maintained until further notice, except for the categories of persons listed below.


Your visa application will be processed exclusively if you fall into one of the following categories:

• foreigners who are spouses or children of citizens of the Republic of Poland or remain under permanent care of citizens of the Republic of Poland;

• heads of diplomatic missions and members of the mission's diplomatic and consular staff, i.e. persons with a diplomatic rank as well as members of their families;

• foreigners who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Poland;

• foreigners who have the right to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland, i.e. foreigners entitled to work in Poland on the same terms as Polish citizens, foreigners who have a work permit, a certificate of entry in the register regarding seasonal work, the employer’s statement on the intention of delegating work to the foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who

1.    have been already working in Poland;

2.    submit documents indicating that they are going to undertake work in Poland promptly after crossing the border;

•  foreigners driving vehicles intended for transporting people or goods and whose transit takes place in the framework of their professional activities consisting in transporting goods or persons.

In case you fall into one of the above categories, please contact the Embassy directly through email: or phone: +255 22 222 10 50 to arrange your visa appointment.

For any other applicants – you will need to submit your application when the ban is lifted.

Please contact your receiving person or institution (e.g. university) to ask for arrangements for your arrival on a later date.

We would also like to kindly inform you that in particularly justified cases, the commanding officer of a Border Guard outpost, upon authorisation of the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Border Guard, can allow a foreigner other than mentioned above to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Please follow our website and Twitter (@PLinTanzania) to receive up to date information.


