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Thanks to Polish Aid children from the Usambara Mountains already benefit from another after-school club


Every day, about 300 children from the Usambara Mountains region in Tanzania benefit from extra-curricular education facilities organized in rooms renovated and equipped thanks to Polish Aid. This year, thanks to the involvement of a local partner - A.D. Views Management Ltd. and funds donated as part of Polish development cooperation by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam, already around 300 girls and boys from the Lushoto district in the Usambara mountains in northern Tanzania attend specially organized rooms providing not only a safe place to play, but above all to learn.

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As part of this year's "Sisterhood Land 2” project, being a follow-up to last year’s project, further rooms where children can read a book, do their math homework or just play and rest have been both renovated and equipped with furniture. The library belonging to the facility has been equipped with textbooks that children can use on the spot or that they can borrow home.

Since its launch, the project has been very popular among the local community and has attracted more and more children looking for better conditions to learn and develop their knowledge, talents, as well as their ability to interact with their peers. On a daily basis, boys and girls in the Usambara Mountains face numerous obstacles on their way to a better education: they do not have the physical space to concentrate on their studies, they are burdened with a large number of household chores, while their parents are not involved in their education. Opening of the education facility thanks to Polish funds is therefore a unique chance for better education for these pupils.

Initially, the project was addressed only to girls, who constitute the least privileged social group in Tanzania in terms of education and both intellectual and emotional development, and its aim was to build up the potential of the female part of society in the Lushoto district, offering them a better preparation for everyday life and work. However, the success of last year's edition of the project also proved a great interest in it on the part of boys, which is why this year, apart from rooms for girls, a new room for boys has been also opened at the primary school in Mtae.

Fot. Michał Dzikowski

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