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Thanks to Polish aid, children in Gitega-Songa in Burundi are already learning how to use computers and Internet


Thanks to Polish Aid, children from the primary school in Gitega-Songa in Burundi will develop their IT skills, while their teachers will be able to introduce new teaching methods, which will undoubtedly translate into better learning results of the pupils.

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Students attending the Gitega-Songa school may already use 15 fully equipped computer workstations with Internet access. Thanks to the purchased laptops, children will be able to learn,  among others, how use Word and Excel – in accordance with the Burundian curriculum. Moreover, the Polish aid funds have allowed to equip the school administration office, which should facilitate and improve the work of educators, giving them the possibility to prepare, among others, teaching aids. The implementation of the project will also enable the school staff to run a nutrition program for children who often come to school without breakfast (the school kitchen has been equipped with a freezer and a refrigerator).

The project has been carried out as part of Polish development cooperation with the involvement of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam and Polish missionaries from the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Infant Jesus operating in Burundi.

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