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The Polish Consul in Dar es Salaam took part in the opening of a home for children and youth with albinism


The Tanga House built by the Association of African Missions with the support of foundations such as Unaweza, the Polish Foundation for Africa from Poland, SMALA, FOA from Ireland and numerous donors from various countries, including Poland, has already been inhabited by five albino girls. The latter are being looked after by Sr. Amelia from the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto.

Home for children and youth with albinism

Ultimately, fourteen children will live in the house. This is the first initiative of this kind in Tanzania that involves creating a family-like home for children with albinism. Moreover, thanks to its openness to the local community, through film screenings and educational games, the Tanga House is also meant to become a place favoring a greater integration of Tanzanian society, in particular in the context of social exclusion that often affects people with albinism.

The Consul of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam Katarzyna Sobiecka who took part in the inauguration of the Tanga House for children and youth in Mwanza, Tanzania, on 14 the March 14 2020, congratulated the Association of African Missions on the initiative. She reminded that Tanzania continues to be one of the priority countries of Polish development assistance. She also emphasized that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland supports projects aimed at improving the living conditions of socially disadvantaged groups and creating better prospects for their future. So far, the Polish MFA has cooperated with the Association of African Missions among others in the framework of the competition "Polish Aid Volunteering 2018" through an assistance project addressed to women from the Sukuma tribe, young people in need and albino children.
