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Visit to a kindergarten financed by Polish aid


In 2020, thanks to Polish aid, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dar es Salaam implemented a project to support the education of children with developmental difficulties. We visited children from the special needs kindergarten in Dar es Salaam and handed over gifts funded by Polish aid.

Kindergarten 2021_1

The aim of the project was to finish and equip classrooms and to renovate the toilets in the special needs kindergarten in Goba (Dar es Salaam) and to train 100 primary education teachers from primary schools in Kinondoni and Ubungo in Dar es Salaam to work with children who require special attention.

The project “AIM: Equalizing educational opportunities of children with developmental problems in Dar es Salaam - systemic solutions and grassroot work” implemented in 2020 by the Polish Embassy in Dar es Salaam in cooperation with the Mkuranga Council Cashew Project was financed by Polish aid.

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