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Update of the ranking list of projects selected for funding under the Improved energy efficiency in school buildings call


Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme #energy thermo

The Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, financed by the EEA FM 2014-2021 and the state budget, informs about the extension of the main list of projects selected for co-financing under the call Improved energy efficiency in school buildings.

As a result of savings in the competition, which together with the previously unused amount exceeded PLN 10 million, the Programme Operator decided, following the recommendation of the Project Selection Committee, to finance projects from the reserve list.

As a result of updating the list, it will be possible to sign grant agreements for two additional projects:

- Improvement of energy efficiency in school buildings in Łubniany commune. (Applicant: Łubniany Commune)

- Green Żuławy – improved energy efficiency of school buildings in Żuławy Wiślane (Applicant: Nowy Staw Commune) – partial funding of the project.

In case of further savings within the Program, the " Green Żuławy" project will be co-financed first, and depending on the amount of free allocation, further Applicants whose projects are on the reserve list will be invited to sign grant agreements.

The initial date of expenditure eligibility for all projects on the list (including the two by which the primary list is extended) is 13th October 2021. - the date of the Operator's decision to award the grant.

Please find below an updated ranking list within the call Improved energy efficiency in school buildings.


Updated ranking list improved energy efficiency in schools ver 15.06.2022
Updated​_ranking​_list​_improved​_energy​_efficiency​_in​_schools​_ver​_15062022.xlsx 0.03MB