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Brwinów Commune - Act for the climate. Initiatives to raise environmental awareness in schools in the communes of Brwinów and Michałowice in partnership with Sandgerdi Elementary School, Iceland

Act for the climate EEA Grants Project

The Minister of Climate and Environment, supported by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM), as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs of the conclusion of the agreement on co-financing the Act for the climate. Initiatives to raise environmental awareness in schools in the communes of Brwinów and Michałowice in partnership with Sandgerdi Elementary School, Iceland project.

The project obtained co-financing in the call for proposals: Awareness raising activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation carried out by schools under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The beneficiary of the project is the Brwinów Commune and the eligible costs of EUR 800 000 (approximately PLN 3,4 M) are financed 100% from the EEA Grants. The project is conducted with the Icelandic partner Sandgerdi Elementary School, who will participate in online comparative research on plant development and the impact of climate conditions on everyday life in both countries and take part in selected Educational Actions.

The project will involve eight schools from Brwinów and Michałowice commune as well as a partner school in Iceland. The effect of the project is the creation of environmentally friendly infrastructure to support biodiversity through the creation of educational gardens, green walls and rainwater management.

The project involves the active participation of pupils in caring for eco-gardens, constructing their own weather stations and conducting parallel measurements in Poland and Iceland using a digital laboratory to study natural phenomena. The Act for the climate project will be complemented by the so-called "Education Campaigns for Schools" which aim to develop sustainable habits of a responsible, sustainable and healthy lifestyle with respect for the environment.

The project will end on April 30, 2024.

More information

Project website

Project website

Climate programme projects database

The project description (in Polish)



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