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Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme #environment EMPI

The Minister of Climate and the Environment, with the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program, informs about the conclusion of a contract for co-financing the project “Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria”.

The project beneficiary is  Romincka Primeval Forest Foundation (Fundacja Puszczy Rominckiej).

About the project

The project received funding in the call for proposals for Implementation of ecosystem management plans under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of Environmental status of ecosystems improved.

The total cost is approximately EUR 472 thousand (PLN 2 million) and the requested amount of funding is approximately EUR 400 thousand (PLN 1.7 million).

It is co-financed in 85% by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (of which 85% comes from the EEA Financial Mechanism and 15% from the national budget). 

Activities planned in the project include protection of a dystrophic water reservoir, restoration of water reservoirs and construction of wintering grounds for amphibians as well as improvement of the living conditions of bats by preparing hibernation sites and hanging boxes dedicated to this group of animals. In addition, the project is expanded to include information, education and promotion activities, including the improvement of environmental awareness of the society by making a film about the importance and protection of amphibians and an exhibition dedicated to bats.


The project is conducted with the Norwegian partner Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and Romincka Forest Landscape Park.

Implementation period

The agreement for the project's co-financing was signed on 10th November 2021 and the planned completion date is April 26, 2024.

Project website

More about the project is available on the project website Active protection of endangered habitats and species in valuable natural areas of eastern Masuria.

Follow the progress of the project on FB.

More information

Climate Programme projects database

Current information about the project can be found in project description in Polish version of the Climate Programme projects database.


