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“Agreement on cooperation for the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors” has been signed


At the invitation of the Minister of Climate and Environment, the representatives of government administration and stakeholders of the biogas and biomethane sector on 23 November 2021 signed the “Agreement on cooperation for the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors”. Its objective is to support the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors in Poland. The signed document will help maximise the so-called local content, i.e. the share of Polish entrepreneurs and technologies in the supply chain for the construction and operation of domestic biogas and biomethane plants as well as the development of the market and the common use of biogas and biomethane in the economy.

“Agreement on cooperation for the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors” has been signed

The sectoral agreement was initiated by the Ministry of Climate and Environment by means of the “Letter of intent on establishing a partnership for the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors and the conclusion of a sectoral agreement” signed on 13 October 2020. This event made it possible to start intense cooperation between entities interested in the construction and development of this sector in Poland. Seven working groups started the work the culmination of which is the Agreement developed and agreed by the participants in the partnership.

We are glad about the involvement of Polish institutions and companies that decided to take activities in this area. This is one of the key sectors without which it will not be possible to carry out the process of energy transition. Polish capital wants to involve in further projects supporting the development of not only biogas, but also biomethane, as evidenced by the presence of key entities in the domestic market, which, seeing the huge potential in the market created from scratch, develop innovative solutions

– stressed the head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Anna Moskwa.

By signing the Sectoral Agreement today, I hope that together we will jointly strengthen the biogas market and launch a strong and buoyant biomethane market. We can achieve success in this area only when acting together

– added the Minister.

The parties to the Agreement are the representatives of government administration: Minister of Climate and Environment, Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for RES, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science, Government Plenipotentiary for Reform of the Functioning of Research Institutes, as well as the representatives of investors, of entities participating in the supply chain for the biogas sector and biomethane, business environment organisations, financial and insurance institutions and representatives of the world of science.

The Agreement is to constitute a permanent platform for cooperation among the Parties by ensuring coordinated activities for the dynamic development of the biogas and biomethane sectors in Poland, with an emphasis on strengthening national economic, environmental, technological, energy and social benefits.

Poland, taking into account the raw material potential, has ambitions to generate in the future such an amount of green gas which would secure the significant demand for natural gas in the country. The signing of the Agreement will serve to develop activities to increase the role of the biogas and biomethane production sectors, build a market for the production of biomethane and empower domestic entrepreneurs in the supply chain. In addition, it is another important step in the development of the green sector, which will help rebuild the economy affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Of key importance for us in the field of energy is to achieve independence and self-sufficiency. Increasing the production of energy from biogas and biomethane is one of the answers to this challenge.

– highlighted the Minister of Climate and Environment, Anna Moskwa.

The development of the biogas and biomethane sectors is not only a pillar of energy transition. It is also an opportunity to build a competitive advantage of Polish entrepreneurs based on modern, zero-emission technologies. The production of biogas and biomethane is essential for the process of the economy’s transformation towards low and zero emissions and is an important element of the “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040”. Increasing the production of energy from biogas and biomethane will contribute to diversifying energy sources and will affect the achievement of the objectives of the European Union’s energy and climate policy.

The Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Ireneusz Zyska, Government Plenipotentiary for RES, pointed out that the Agreement opens a new stage of cooperation, which will be of great importance for building a new sector of the Polish economy and maximising “local content”. This is an example of very good cooperation between the government and current and future investors and operators of biogas and biomethane plants in Poland, as well as entrepreneurs involved in supplies for the preparation, implementation and operation of biogas and biomethane projects.

The Agreement signed today specifies an ambitious partnership between the government and a wide group of stakeholders, who have been united by one joint objective – to use the national potential in building a modern, innovative and low-carbon economy.

– he stressed.

The Government Plenipotentiary for RES also informed that by listening to the needs of the biogas sector, the Ministry of Culture and Technology is preparing regulations that will guarantee the dynamic and stable development of the sector.

Currently, at the Ministry of Climate and Environment there is ongoing work on draft amendments to the “Act on renewable energy sources” and the “Act on biocomponents and liquid biofuels”, the objectives of which is to create optimal legal regulations allowing to stimulate the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors in a stable way. The regulations being drafted will effectively encourage investors to make decisions on the construction of installations for the production and purification of biogas or agricultural biogas, the production of biomethane and the expansion or reconstruction of existing gas networks in terms of enabling the injection of biomethane

– he explained.

How to become a party to the „Agreement on cooperation for the development of the biogas and biomethane sectors”

“We are witnesses to and part of a historic moment. I warmly encourage all entities, institutions and organisations, which identify with the objectives of the Agreement and express their willingness to achieve them, to join the Sectoral Agreement. The open and voluntary nature of the agreement is one of the most important values, thanks to which the future of the biogas and biomethane sectors in Poland looks very optimistic.”

– added Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska.

A party to the Agreement may be any interested entity that submits a written declaration of will to start implementing the provisions of the Agreement, by sending it to the Minister of Climate and Environment (template attached).

Please send a written statement to:

Ireneusz Zyska

Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources

Ministry of Climate and Environment

Wawelska 52/54

00-922 Warsaw