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An integrated approach to ecosystems protection against invasive alien plants in southern Poland -IAS/EcoSystemCARE


Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme #environment alien spacies

The Minister of Climate and Environment, with the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs about the conclusion of a contract for co-financing the project “An integrated approach to ecosystems protection against invasive alien plants in southern Poland -IAS/EcoSystemCARE”.

The project beneficiary is University of Silesia in Katowice.

About the project

The project received funding in the call for proposals for Increased protection against invasive alien species under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme in the area of Natural environment and ecosystems.

The total cost of the project is approximately EUR 1million (approximately PLN 4.5 million) and the requested amount of co-financing is approximately EUR 890 thousand (PLN 3.8 million).

It is co-financed in almost 85% by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (of which 85% comes from the EEA Financial Mechanism and 15% from the national budget). 

The project aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems to climate change activities by combating selected invasive species: hogweed (Sosnowski hogweed, Mantegazzi hogweed), impatiens, knotweed (hollyhock, Czech knotweed (indirect), Sakhalin knotweed), goldenrod (Canadian goldenrod, late goldenrod). The project is extended to include an educational campaign to raise public awareness, aimed primarily at local communities and local government employees.


The project will be implemented in partnership with Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research and Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Technology and Life Sciences National Research Institute, National Research Institute of Animal Production, Magura National Park, University of Agriculture in Krakow.

Implementation period

The agreement for the project's co-financing was signed on 27th December 2021 and the planned completion date is April 2024.

Project website

Project website



