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Award ceremony in the competition for Beneficiaries of the EEA Climate Programme


'We Influence the Climate' competition

On April 29th, at the Ministry's headquarters, we had the wonderful opportunity to host the winners and awardees of the 'We Influence the Climate' competition, who are the Beneficiaries and Partners of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme.

The main element of the ceremony was the congratulations and presentation of awards received by representatives:

Distinctions and gifts were also given to:

It was a real pleasure to meet our guests - the beneficiaries of the Programme. Listening to the inspiring stories - of the people closest to the projects, told with passion and commitment - strengthened our conviction that what we do makes sense. It is a proof that with passion and pro-environmental thinking we can change a lot together.

We kindly encourage to view the winning and commended competition entries, which are available here (in Polish).

Below you can read a short description of the awarded works

1st place

The first place went to a film presenting the educational path that was created as part of the project entitled Climate-friendly school. Centre of education on climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas. This project was implemented by the Sendzimir Foundation in partnership with the Wawer District Office of the City of Warsaw and PS Paaby Prosess Edu Action from Norway, and in cooperation with Primary School No. 195. During the almost two-minute film, we learn about the educational path built at primary school no. 195 in Wawer. Film talks, among other, about rain gardens, flower meadows and vegetable gardens. The path is open to anyone interested in the topic of minimising the negative effects of climate change in cities. And for those who cannot get to the school in Wawer, a virtual version has also been created.

The winning entry stands out for its ingenuity, attractive execution and exceptional quality. It shows in an accessible way the history of the project, its benefits and its impact on the local community. The competition jury also appreciated the educational value of the material. The work encourages people to learn more about water retention at the site, to take the lessons learned and apply them to their own needs. Enjoy the film here.

2nd place

Second on the podium was the work of the HumanDoc Foundation, presenting EkoApp, an application developed as part of the project entitled Rooted in nature - building an eco-application dedicated to the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes as a tool increasing the knowledge of ecosystems and their services. The project was carried out in partnership with the Mazurian Landscape Park, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the City of Giżycko, and its aim was to increase the protection of biodiversity in the Great Mazurian Lakes Region by raising public awareness of ecosystems and the services they provide.

The award-winning entry presents the EcoApp - a virtual guide to the Masuria region, featuring stories about 150 plant and animal species, read by the irreplaceable Krystyna Czubówna, and including 30 routes for cycling and hiking trips in this extraordinary region of Poland. The presentation tells the story of the design and construction of the EcoApp. The work was done with great attention to detail. Bright colours with strong colour accents were used which definitely catches the eye, arousing the desire to learn more about the app itself. Numerous photographs, beautiful and of good quality, from the realisation stage of the project, are presented. The graphic potential of the app itself is also captured (more here in Polish).

3rd place

In the third place of the podium was the presentation entitled MPEC Project co-financed from the Norwegian and EEA Funds 2014-2021, submitted by Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Nowy Sącz, which implemented the project New Energy Sources in MPEC Nowy Sącz. Its aim was to increase the efficiency of the district heating system of MPEC Nowy Sącz, reduce the so-called 'low emissions' and decrease the consumption of non-renewable primary energy. As a result of this project, emissions of carbon dioxide and harmful dust into the atmosphere will decrease.

The competition work that came third was a presentation that stood out from the other entries for its ingenuity and attractiveness. It used an unconventional arrangement of expanding bookmarks resembling a book. The history of the project was presented in a synthetic way, at the same time giving the presentation an unusual dynamism. It also includes photographs from the project, which illustrate the activities carried out to achieve the status of an energy-efficient district heating network, which was the aim of the project (more here in Polish).

