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Construction of the New Combined Heat and Power Plant Czechnica

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme MF EOG #ENERGY

The Minister of Climate and Environment, supported by the national Fund for Environmental protection and Water management (NFEP&WM), as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs of the conclusion of the agreement on co-financing Construction of the New Combined Heat and Power Plant Czechnica project.

The project is conducted by the Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA S.A.

About the project

The project obtain co-financing in the call for proposals Development of high-efficiency industrial and professional cogeneration under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme in the area of Improving energy efficiency and energy security.

The project is co-financed in 6% by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (of which 85% comes from the EEA Financial Mechanism and 15% from the national budget) and the NFOŚ loan program.

The total cost of the project is PLN 774 537 400, of which the maximum amount of co-financing is over PLN 30 million (almost EUR 7 million).

Investment activities

The aim of the project is to improve security of energy supply for customers from Siechnice and partially from Wrocław through construction of a new source of high-efficiency cogeneration. The coal source will be replaced by a low-emission fuel source, which will reduce the negative impact on the environment by reducing CO2 emissions and primary energy savings.

As a part of the planned investment, it will be built a gas-steam unit that will allow to achieve the gross power ranging from: 155-180 MWe electric power and about 160 MWt heat power, which will include:

  • 2-3 gas turbines with waste heat boilers equipped with afterburning system
  • thermal steam and extraction turbine.

In addition, it is planned to construct a heat accumulator with a volume of approx. 13 000 m3 to store the excess heat produced by the gas and steam unit in the form of hot water.

Educational activities

Investment activities will be complemented with a communication and promotion campaign and educational activities aimed at increasing knowledge of the Norwegian and EEA Grants and their objectives. The goal of the campaign will be also to increase public awareness in the area of energy efficiency and the use of ecological fuels along with the impact of project implementation on the environment.

The target group for the campaign will be the existing and future Recipients of the products and services offered by the Company, as well as employees of the PGE Capital Group.

Implementation period

The agreement for the project's co-financing was signed on 10th December 2021 and the planned completion date is 30th April 2024.

More information

Climate Programme projects database

Current information about the project can be found in project description in Polish version of the Climate Programme projects database.


