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Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme - increase in funding under the Programme


Additional funding for Beneficiaries of next two calls in the area of Energy.

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme #energy

The Minister of Climate and Environment, with the support of the NFEP&WM as the Programme Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, announces the launch of the additional funding for the Beneficiaries of two energy calls for proposals:

  • Increasing the efficiency of energy generation in existing small hydropower plants (up to 2MW),
  • Geothermal energy production.

The increase in project funding envelope is the PO's response to the significant increase in prices caused by the macro-economic situation in the region.

Detailed information on:

  • the financial envelope for the grant increase,
  • conditions for obtaining a grant increase,
  • how to apply for a grant increase,
  • deadlines for applications for a grant increase,

are available on the NFEP&WM website (in Polish):




