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Expert workshops at the end of the Modernization of the Gubin Hydroelectric Power Plant project


Expert workshops at the end of the Modernization of the Gubin Hydroelectric Power Plant project

On April 24 and 25, expert workshops were held to summarize the recently completed modernization of the Gubin Hydroelectric Power Plant, which was implemented under the project entitled Modernization of technological equipment of the Gubin EW by PGE Energia Odnawialna Spółka Akcyjna.

During the first day of the event, detailed information about the implemented project was presented, the various stages of its implementation were talked about, as well as further investment plans. Then the workshop participants were introduced to the general principles of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, and told about the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme. Later, a lecture was held on the present and future of hydropower in Poland, issues related to operational practice were discussed: maximizing the use of hydropower potential, measurement methods, condition diagnostics, and the topic of potential development directions was raised: hybridization, storage, system services.

On the second day of the workshop, those attending the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with the with the facilities of the Dychów Pumped Storage Power Plant, Zasieki Hydroelectric Power Plant and Gubin Hydroelectric Power Plant, which belong to PGE Energia Odnawialna S. A. That day,
a press briefing was also held at the Gubin Hydroelectric Power Plant, attended by representatives of the local media.

More information on the summary of the event is available on the project's website and also on Radio West's website


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