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First meeting of the Evaluation Team under the pilot call “Strengthened implementation of Circular Economy”


On 4th of December 2020 the first meeting of the Evaluation Team inaugurated the process of assessment of the applications received under “Strengthened implementation of Circular Economy” call

First meeting of the Evaluation Team

The meeting had been carried out by Mr Piotr Bogusz, Chairman of the Committee and Deputy Director of the Department of European Funds of the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The meeting had been held online.

The main task of the Evaluation Team in the Circular Economy call, established by the Order of the Minister of Climate and Environment, is to obtain the recommendation on project concept notes in order to make them meet the criteria of the call. The team is consisted with external experts chosen in the special call. It includes the representatives of the NGOs, the Responsible Business Forum, Government’s Units (National Centre for Research and Development and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development), Public Administration (Ministry of Climate and Environment, National Focal Point, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology), Programme Donor Partners (Norway and Iceland) and the observers - the representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw and representatives of the Financial Office Mechanism.

The Rules of Procedures of the Evaluation Team has been adopted during the meeting as well as main objectives of the call and the method of assessing the concept notes. The timeframe of the Evaluation Team meetings has been also established.

The Strengthened Implementation of Circular Economy call is carried out in two phases. In the first one all concept notes that had been positively evaluated formally, are assessed according to the merit criteria. As the result, the best concept notes are to be invited to apply for the financing. The beginning of the II phase of the call (application for the financing) is supposed to take place in the I quarter 2021.


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