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From Wisłoka to Wieprz - active protection of endangered bird species in the Vistula River Valley

The Beneficiary

The Bird Horizons Foundation

About the project

International cooperation of the ornithological community is advisable in order to carry out effective activities for the active protection of migratory birds, which during the season move practically all over Europe between nesting sites and wintering sites.

The exchange of experience and the planning of common methods of bird conservation allowed the conservation of endangered species and populations and contributed to the implementation of a comprehensive and systemic conservation programme involving the application of all necessary measures to maintain and strengthen the breeding population of the species covered by the project.

The project also served to create a network of contacts, exchange knowledge, experience and best practices between experts in the field of ornithology and nature conservation from Poland and Norway.

The project received 100% funding from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund.

Total cost of the project 31 351.94 PLN.


The project was implemented in partnership with Norsk Ornitologisk Forening/BirdLife Norway.

The Project implementation period was from 15 to 31 August 2021.

More about the project

More about the project can be found  on the FB profile of the Foundation an also on their website

