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International Bird Day


In the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, we protect endangered species

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme MF EOG #Environment

April 1 is International Bird Day established almost 120 years ago. The coordinator of this day is BirdLife International - a global federation of non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of birds. BirdLife Norway is a partner of several projects in the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme.

The idea behind this holiday is to draw attention to the threats faced by birds and to encourage people to get involved in their protection. It is estimated that approximately 13% (approx. 1250) of bird species are threatened with extinction.

We support the protection of some of these endangered species in the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program in the environment area. As part of the call for proposals Activities related to the protection of the environment and ecosystems (Small Grants Fund), non-governmental organizations protect birds in various regions of the country.

Take a look at our projects described in the Program Projects Database. There you will find e.g. projects of the “Bocian” Nature Society, the “Ptasie Horyzonty” Foundation, the Polesie National Park or the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, under which activities are carried out focused on the protection of endangered bird species.

Together with the Montagu’s harrier, we invite you to carefully observe the birds and protect them.



