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Invitation to the Closing Conference of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme


The Minister of Climate and Environment of the Republic of Poland cordially invites you to participate in the conference summarizing the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme implemented under the EEA and Norway Grants

Closing Conference of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme

Our goals

During the conference we would like to talk about the effects of the implemented projects. It will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge and learn best practices from the Project promoters of the EEA Climate Programme.

The event agenda includes presentations of selected projects and discussion panels, in which will participate Project Promoters and Program Partners from Norway and Iceland.

More information about Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme – click here

Basic information

The conference is scheduled for September 26, 2024 in Warsaw, from 10:00 to 14:00 (registration from 9:30). Participation in the event is free of charge and possible after e-mail registration.

Applications Details


The number of places for the on-site conference is limited. The order of applications and the number of applications from the same institution will be decisive.


Participation in the on-site conference is possible after prior e-mail registration (e-mail: and confirmation from the Programme Operator.


Arrival and accommodation is at your own expense.


In case of cancellation of participation in the conference on-site, please notify via e-mail:


The online broadcast will be available on the official YT channel of the Ministry of Climate and Environment in two language versions - Polish and English.


Registration is not required. But if you want to receive a reminder from us with a link to the conference broadcast on the day of the event, please send us a short e-mail massage (via e-mail: with submitting your e-mail address.

See the conference agenda - below

The event is financed by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021





Closing Conference of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme
2024-09-04​_AGENDA​_ENG.pdf 3.40MB