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Minister Anna Moskwa about the impact of war in Ukraine on the energy sector


“In the face of the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the global energy crisis, the international community needs to demonstrate its unique solidarity as a whole” – emphasized Minister Anna Moskwa during the international debate attended by the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol, Ukrainian Minister of Energy German Galushchenko, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency David Turk, President of GAZ-SYSTEM Tomasz Stępień and Deputy President of PERN S.A. Mateusz Radecki. The meeting was held on 19 July 2022 in Warsaw.

Minister Anna Moskwa about the impact of war in Ukraine on the energy sector

The war has changed the energy situation of Poland, Europe and of the entire world. It depicted the differences in the energy situation of individual states. This is why we hope today for understanding for the selection of the own path of transformation and energy security

– stressed the Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa.

The situation faced by Europe and the entire world is unprecedented. The energy war is pending, the prices of resources continue to grow and the existing supply chains have been broken.

This is a challenge both for the governments and international agencies and also for the societies that faced the largest energy crisis for several decades. Therefore what we need now is cooperation and mutual support, both at the international and national level. The key role is played by the society. Energy and resources savings at the household level are a must.

We have developed too few energy, water or other resources saving behaviours. Energy saving should become our everyday lifestyle. We hope that the EU and Poland will learn a new, good way of living

– stresses the Head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

This is of importance for both the energy security and in the perspective of further sanctions imposed on Russia. Pursuing towards the energy independence becomes the primary objective of the societies.

We are in the middle of the first truly global energy crisis. The previous ones from the 1970s were associated with only one resource – oil. The existing one covers oil, gas and coal

– said Fatih Birol.

The International Energy Agency is involved in analysis of changes taking place in the energy industry of individual states and provides recommendations on the actions necessary to ensure energy security. The Agency prepared the ten-point plans of reducing the EU dependence on the Russian gas and oil, which contain the recommendations for switching the oil and gas demand onto a more sustainable path contributing to decreasing the need for the Russian energy resources.

In the all-European scale, these figures are significant. According to the IEA analyses, using public transport instead of passenger cars translates into savings of 45 thousand of tonnes of oil a day. The EU-wide changes in road transport recommended by the Agency would reduce the European demand for oil by 2.7 million of barrels a day during only 4 months. In terms of gas, it is possible to reduce its use even by a half, provided that we reduce its consumption in households and speed up the replacement with renewable sources. For example, increasing the European investments in the photovoltaic farms and wind turbines will reduce the annual consumption by 6 billion m3. Reduced consumption of gas in households, including lowering the temperature of gas heating by 1oC, will allow saving 10 billion m3 per annum in the European scale.

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