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More schools modernised with Norwegian funds


Projekt MF EOG Poprawa efektywności energetycznej wybranych budynków szkolnych na terenie Warszawy

On 15 March 2024, a conference was held to summarise the implementation of two thermomodernisation projects of the City of Warsaw co-financed with funds from EEA 2014-2021: "Improving the energy efficiency of selected school buildings in the Capital City of Warsaw- scope 1" and " Thermal modernization of 6 selected educational buildings in the Capital City of Warsaw - scope 2". Representatives of the Beneficiary presented the most important assumptions, course of the undertakings, and the challenges faced during the implementation of the projects. Presentations of the effects of the work carried out were an extremely interesting part of the meeting - not only was the energy efficiency of the buildings covered by the projects increased, but above all the comfort of their use by pupils and school staff was improved.

During the conference, it was also possible to learn about examples of similar activities undertaken in Norway - a representative of the project partner (Terram Pacis) told about solutions applied in Norwegian schools. The exchange of experiences and best practices is a valuable part of the projects, enabling the transfer of good practices and strengthening bilateral relations. Both the Beneficiary and the Project Partner pointed out that, in addition to thermo-modernisation measures, the subsequent proper use of the facility is crucial, hence the emphasis should also be placed on education in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

More information on both projects is available at:

The implementation of complex projects, involving many buildings where school activities take place on a daily basis and where children and young people often stay for many hours, is a major challenge for the Beneficiaries undertaking the thermomodernisation. However, the effects of these activities are measurable, making a significant contribution to achieving the objectives of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, environmental goals and improving learning and working conditions for members of local communities.

The Programme Operator reminds that the eligibility period for projects ends on 30 April 2024. For closure information, please see, among others, our website.


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