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Polish-Czech meeting on the implementation of the agreement on KWB Turów and cooperation for energy transition


The Minister of Climate and Environment, Paulina Hennig-Kloska, and the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland, Břetislav Dančák, discussed the challenges of the energy transition, as well as the implementation of the agreement on the Coal Mine (KWB) Turów. The aim of the meeting, which took place on 3 June 2024 at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, was to exchange experiences between the countries and strengthen bilateral cooperation in energy and fuels.

Polsko-czeskie spotkanie dot. realizacji umowy dot. KWB Turów i współpracy na rzecz transformacji energetycznej

•    Two years have passed since the signing of the Polish-Czech cooperation agreement on addressing the effects of mining activities at the Turów opencast mine, the agreement is fulfilling its role very well.  
•    Both parties are carrying out the tasks provided for in the agreement, limiting the impact of the mine's activities on the territory of the Czech Republic.  
•    Poland, in the spirit of good neighbourly cooperation, has sought to clarify Czech doubts each time, without undue delay, and provided answers to questions about KWB Turów's activities.  
•    Poland has provided all contractual data promptly and continuously monitors noise and air quality levels, making monitoring results available to the Czech side.
•     The development of distributed renewable energy sources and nuclear power will increase energy security in Europe.

During the meeting, the implementation of the Turów KWB agreement was discussed. Both parties agreed that the agreement is being implemented as expected.

We are aware that the Czech side values the issue of groundwater table levels, which is why the relevant provisions are reflected in this agreement.  

- pointed out the Minister of Climate and Environment.

We are pleased with the latest monitoring results, which show that the groundwater level in the area is rising. The mine is also continuously implementing measures to reduce noise, dust, and light emissions. Both parties, through the Plenipotentiaries, exchange information and are in constant working contact. It should be unequivocally emphasised that the agreement has enabled the Czech side to control the environmental impact of the mine's mining activities. The Turów energy complex guarantees a stable supply of electricity to millions of households and is an essential element of the national electricity system, which has an impact on ensuring Poland's energy security. Closing the mine without an alternative energy source would jeopardise the continuity of electricity supply to Polish consumers.

The Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Poland, Břetislav Dančák, emphasised the unwavering commitment of the Czech Republic to transform its energy sector. The country is resolute in its goal to shift from coal and invest in nuclear energy and renewable energy sources, demonstrating a strong determination for change.

Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska pointed out that Poland and the Czech Republic consider nuclear energy's important role in their energy transition plans and intend to invest in new units soon. She noted that both countries will face similar challenges in implementing their nuclear programmes.

We believe that the development of distributed renewable energy sources and nuclear energy will increase energy security in Europe and allow independence from Russian energy imports.

- added the Minister of Climate and Environment    



