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Predefined project - ECOSERV

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme MF EOG #Environment

The predefined project Services provided by the main types of ecosystems in Poland – an applied approach (ECOSERV) is carried out by the team of researchers from the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań under the direction of Prof. Małgorzata Stępniewska and Prof. Andrzej Mizgajski.

About the project

The project is 100 % funded by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (of which 85 % is from the EEA Financial Mechanism and 15 % from the state budget).

The total cost of the project is over €1.7 million.

The aim of the project is to transfer the general and specific scientific knowledge on ecosystem services existing in Europe to the process of identifying and assessing ecosystem services in Poland, to increase the scientific capacity for identifying and assessing ecosystem services, and to increase the capacity of the administration and stakeholder groups to implement this approach in environmental management.
A series of workshops, for the administrative staff and experts at various levels are also planned, in order to present the project results and their practical application.


The project is carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian partner, the Norwegian Institute For Nature Research (NINA), which deals with nature research and nature-human interactions. As part of the project collaboration, the Norwegians will share their experiences and show, among other things, how they identify and evaluate ecosystem services and what successes they have achieved in the area of nature conservation.
The implementation also involves five leading scientific institutions that will prepare methodologies for each of the main ecosystem types in the country - forest, marine, inland water, agricultural land and urban areas. The subcontractors will also develop methods to assess the economic, environmental and cultural values of the benefits derived from natural systems.

Implementation period

The contract for the project's co-financing was signed in December 2020 and the planned completion date is December, 2023.

Project website

Project website


