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Projects selected for funding under three open calls in the programme area “Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security" within the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme



The assessment of applications submitted within the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme under calls for proposals financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the state budget was successfully completed:

  • Construction/modernization of municipal heating systems and elimination of individual heat sources
  • Increasing the efficiency of energy generation in existing small hydropower plants (up to 2MW)
  • Geothermal energy production

The Programme Operator received 19 applications in the call for proposals Construction/modernization of municipal heating systems and elimination of individual heat sources. The total amount of the requested co-financing stands at almost PLN 224 million (approximately EUR 51.8 million) when the  available allocation is almost PLN 164 million (almost EUR 38 million).  A positive substantive assessment and recommendation for co-financing were obtained by 14 projects, in which the total amount of the awarded co-financing is approx. PLN 162.4 million ( approx. EUR 37.6 million). Two of projects submitted within the call will be implemented in partnership with entities from Norway. The list of projects selected for implementation is presented below.

As a result of assessment procedure 4 projects were selected for co-financing under the call for proposals Increasing the efficiency of energy production existing small hydropower plants (up to 2 MW) (the requested funds: approx. PLN 18.1 million, i.e. almost EUR 4.2 million). The initially available allocation for the call (almost PLN 13 million, i.e. EUR 3 million) was increased due to the transfer of savings generated in the call for proposals for the construction of pellet production installations and the Programme reserve. The additional funds enabled the Programme Operator to grant allocation for all 4 positively assessed projects submitted in the call which aims at the modernization of the existing small hydropower plants.

The Programme Operator received 3 applications under  the open call for the Geothermal Energy Production for the total amount of co-financing of approx. PLN 47.3 million, i.e. almost EUR 11 million. As a result of the assessment procedure PLN 31.6 million (EUR 7.3 million) was allocated to activities related to the development of geothermal energy use in Poland. Overall, 2 applications were positively assessed and received the recommendation for co-financing.

All projects positively evaluated by the experts in the substantive assessment procedure were subject to the opinion of the Selection Committee during the meeting held on June 24, 2021.

By decision of Mr. Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, 20 projects were accepted for co-financing in the above mentioned open calls.

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will open the procedure of signing agreements with future Beneficiaries of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme.

Please find below  a list of projects financed under the three calls for proposals in the Programme area “Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security".

At the same time, the Programme Operator informs that the process of assessing applications in the following open calls is still ongoing: Improved energy efficiency in school buildings and Development of high-efficiency industrial and professional cogeneration. The Minister of Climate and Environment together with the NFEP&WM make every effort to ensure that the projects assessment results are made public as soon as possible.  The Selection Committee Meetings for the above mentioned open calls are planned for September /October 2021. All information will be published on the websites of the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

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Ranking​_list​_-​_Municipal​_heating​_systems.pdf 0.09MB
Ranking​_list​_-​_Small​_hydropower​_plants.pdf 0.08MB
Ranking​_list​_-​_Geothermal​_energy​_production.pdf 0.08MB

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