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CDBWMS, Children's House - The school with the climate

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme - #climate schools

The Minister of Climate and Environment, supported by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM), as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs of the conclusion of the agreement on co-financing The school with the climate project.

About the project

The project obtained co-financing in the call for proposals: Awareness raising activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation carried out by schools under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The beneficiary of the project is the CDBWMS, CHILDREN'S HOUSE Sp. z o.o. that governs Warsaw Montessori School. The eligible costs of approximately EUR 515 029 (PLN 2,2 M) are financed 100% from the EEA Grants.

In the project will participate forty schools from Radzyński County (Lubelskie voivodship) and schools governed by the beneficiary. The task of the project is to promote pro-ecological behavior among children and youth as well as the local community in the field of climate change. The School with climate project, apart from educational (workshops and lessons) and promotional activities, provides several investment actions related to adaptation and mitigation to climate change like small retention basins, a rain garden and a pocket park, as well as eco-education areas.


The project is conducted with the Norwegian partner Øvergård Montessoriskole, who will support the project with its educational activities and share with the Norwegian perspective on this issue.

Implementation period

The agreement for the project's co-financing was signed in November 2021. The planned completion date is April, 2024.

More information

Project website

Project website

Climate programme projects database

The project description (in Polish)



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