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Thermomodernization of educational buildings in the Gorzyce Commune

Environment Energy and Climate Change Programme MF EOG #ENERGY

The Minister of Climate and Environment, with the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs about the conclusion of an agreement for co-financing the Thermomodernization of educational buildings in the Gorzyce Commune project.

The beneficiary of the project is the Gorzyce Commune.

About the project

The project received funding in the call for proposals for Improvement of energy efficiency in school buildings under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of Renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security.

It is financed 70% from the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme funds, of which 85% comes from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) and 15% from the state budget.

The project’s total cost is PLN 7.7 million (EUR 1.8 million), and the grant awarded is PLN 5 million (EUR 1.2 million).

Additional funds
Following the increase procedure announced by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the amount of co-financing for the project has increased by over PLN 2.9 million (approximately EUR 0.7 million).


The project provides for a comprehensive thermal modernization of the building of the School and Kindergarten Complex in Turza Śląska, Ligonia 2 Street. The insulation of external walls, basement walls in the ground, as well as the roof and flat roof will be made. External door woodwork will be replaced. Air/water heat pumps and a condensing gas boiler will be installed. Clean electricity will be provided by a photovoltaic installation with a capacity of 57.51 kW.

The expected effects

As a result of the project, it will be possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and reduce primary energy consumption. As a result of the thermal modernization works, the air quality in the facilities will also improve, as the heat sources will be replaced with more ecological ones. Carrying out thermal modernization will also contribute to providing students with greater comfort of staying and learning in the facilities. In addition, the facilities will benefit financially from the reduction of electricity and heat costs.

Implementation period

The contract for co-financing the project was concluded in March 2023 and the planned completion date is April 2024.

More information

Climate Programme projects database

Current information about the project can be found in project description in Polish version of the Climate Programme projects database.

