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World of the Carpathians


The Minister of Climate and Environment, with the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs about the conclusion of a contract for co-financing the project “World of the Carpathians”.

Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme environment NGO's

The project beneficiary is Ecopsychology Association.

About the project

The project received funding in the call for proposals for Activities related to the protection of the environment and ecosystems carried out by the NGOs under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of Environmental status of ecosystems improved.

The total cost is approximately EUR 220 thousand (PLN 950 thousand) and the requested amount of funding is approximately EUR 200 thousand (PLN 850 thousand).

It is co-financed in 90% by the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (of which 85% comes from the EEA Financial Mechanism and 15% from the national budget). 

The aim of the project is the environmental education of the local community through the publication of a Polish version of the handbook "World of the Carpathians" and the creation of a website with interactive tools. In addition, there will be a knowledge competition for children and training for teachers, students and educators on ecosystems, species and habitats protected in the Carpathian area.

Implementation period

The agreement for the project's co-financing was signed on 30th November 2021 and the planned completion date is April 2024.

Project website

World of the Carpathians




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