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Wyszków Commune - Mitigating climate changes and adapting to their effects in Wyszków


The Minister of Climate and Environment, supported by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM), as the Operator of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, informs of the conclusion of an agreement for co-financing Mitigating climate changes and adapting to their effects in Wyszków project.

The beneficiary of the project is the Wyszków Commune.

About the project

The project obtained co-financing in the call for proposals: The implementation of green and blue infrastructure in cities under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The project is financed in 85% from the funds of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme, of which 85% comes from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) and 15% from the state budget.

The main aim of the project is to increase the municipality's resilience and adaptation to climate change, through the implementation of comprehensive adaptation and mitigation measures and an environmental awareness campaign for the municipality's community.

The project will provide new energy-efficient street lighting in the municipality, which will increase energy efficiency.

There are plans to build pocket parks with a rain garden, a green bus stop and green walls, which will reduce the urban heat island effect. There are also plans to develop a number of green spaces and install rainwater bins next to the buildings of the municipal educational institutions.

Bicycle lanes and bicycle infrastructure - bicycle parking and bicycle stands - will be created, which will help to promote cycling and reduce CO2 emissions.

An educational campaign is planned to raise awareness among residents and to provide specialised training for project experts.


The project is conducted with partner from Norway Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Implementation period

The contract for the project's co-financing was signed in December 2021 and the planned completion date is April 30, 2024.

Project website

Mitigating climate changes and adapting to their effects in Wyszków

More information

More details - check the Polish version of the project description.



