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30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group


To mark the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group, Minister Mariusz Kamiński, addressed a letter to the ministers of the interior of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Grup; 30 years of V4 - official logo

In the letter, Minister Mariusz Kamiński underlined the importance of cooperation between the Group members in matters of internal affairs and security, as well as on the European Union forum. He wrote, “Thank to our unity, key areas of interest for Central Europe are not overlooked and our voice is heard clearly on the international arena.”

The letter also referred to the ongoing work on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the common, strong stance presented by the Visegrad Group countries. “We know that our approach can win over support from other Member States. However, this will not happen without common actions convincing our partners and standing together behind constructive solutions,” the minister underlined.“ He also expressed hope for a meeting in traditional form, when the epidemic situation allows.

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Thirty years ago, on 15 February 1991, the presidents of Poland and Czechoslovakia and the prime minister of Hungary signed a declaration on cooperation, thus starting the Visegrad Group, which is a form of regional cooperation of the Central European countries. The cooperation covers a number of areas including security and migration. 

The ministers of internal affairs of the Group’s countries meet regularly to discuss key issues. The Visegrad Group is an example of a political tool bringing closer cooperation between the ministries of internal affairs and strengthening the position of Central Europe in the international arena. 

From 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, Poland chairs the Visegrad Group.

For more information about the V4 see: 
