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Apply for a permission to establish a representative office for a foreign foundation

Who is it for?

Foundations (with objectives consistent with the scope of competence of the Minister of the Interior and Administration) established abroad, but wishing to establish a representative office in the Republic of Poland.

What to prepare

  1. An application of the main foundation for permission to operate, containing the following data:
    • official name of the foundation
    • address of the foundation
    • statutory objectives of the foundation
    • composition of the foundation’s management board together with information on who may issue declarations of intent on behalf of the foundation (along with a document confirming the above data)
    • who will represent the foundation’s representative office in Poland (with an address for correspondence)
    • planned name of the representative office in Poland
    • address of the representative office in Poland (including the title to the premises)
    • main objectives of the representative office in Poland
    • scope of activity of the representative office in Poland
    • sources of financing of the representative office in Poland
    • information whether the foundation plans to conduct business activity in Poland
  2. Statement by the management board of the main foundation regarding:
    • the intention to establish a representative office in Poland
    • appointment of an attorney to represent the foundation before administrative bodies in Poland (together with a confirmation of payment of the court fee for the power of attorney)
    • commitment to comply with Polish law
    • commitment to report annually on its activities in Poland
  3. A copy of a document confirming the registration of the foundation in the home country (or information that foundations are not obliged to register in the country in question) together with a copy of the text of the statutes of the main foundation.
  4. Report on the activities of the main foundation in the year preceding the application.
  5. Confirmation of payment of stamp duties on the application for a permit and on the appointment of a representative.


How to fill in the documents

All the above-mentioned documents should be provided in the original (or in the form of a certified copy) and, if they are drawn up in a foreign language, also translated into Polish and certified by a sworn translator or by a Polish diplomatic mission, or consular post competent for the headquarters of the foreign foundation.

How much is it going to cost?

Stamp duty is paid when the obligation to pay it arises. According to the Appendix to the Act, stamp duties for the issuance of the above permit amount to:

  • in the case of a permit for the establishment of a representative office in the territory of the Republic of Poland by a foreign foundation – PLN 855
  • in the case of a submission of a document confirming the granting of power of attorney or proxy and its extract or copy – for each power of attorney (proxy) – PLN 17

Stamp duty must be paid by bank transfer to the account number: 21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070
Taxpayer Service Centre
ul. Obozowa 57
01-161 Warsaw

(with the title: MSWiA – stamp duty for …..)

or in cash:
at the cashier’s desk of the Taxpayer Service Centre
ul. Obozowa 57
01-161 Warsaw

or at the cashier’s desk of the County Offices of the capital city of Warsaw.

This application must be accompanied by the original proof of payment of the due stamp duty.

What will the County Office do?

The task of the Office is to process the application of a foreign foundation in the context of its competences, the scope of its activities and the objectives of establishing a representative office. Next in line is the examination of compliance with the formal requirements indicated in this information. If there are deficiencies or ambiguities, the authority will ask for appropriate additions or clarifications. If the documents are complete, the Minister issues a permit, of which the applicant will be notified by the authority through an appointed representative.

Contact Information

Ministry of the Interior and Administration
Department for Permits and Licences
ul. Batorego 5, 02-591 Warsaw

tel.: +48 22 601 16 02
fax: +48 22 848 97 81