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The Ministry can be contacted by the following means:

Tel.: +48 222 500 112
Fax: 22 601 39 88
ePUAP: /MSWIA/domyslna and /MSWIA/SkrytkaESP

Contact for the media

Our mailing address

Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji
ul. Stefana Batorego 5, 02-591 Warsaw

Note: All letters addressed to the Ministry of the Interior and Administration should include the full name of the person submitting the letter and the mailing address (postal code, town, street and house/apartment number). Correspondence not containing the full name and address of the applicant will be left unprocessed.

Information for Citizens – helpline

Looking for information that is not on our website? Do you want to ask how to deal with a matter at one of our offices or share what you think of a particular legal regulation? Call the Information for Citizens helpline.

Who can call the helpline?

Anyone. Especially, if they:

  • want to ask how to deal with matters at one of our offices
  • want to submit comments on how their matter was handled – for example, what problems they may have encountered
  • want to convey their opinion on the social and legal situation in Poland – for example, propose how to simplify a procedure.

What number to call

+48 222 500 112 – Information for Citizens

When to call

Open on working days at 8:00-16:00

Editorial office of the Public Information Bulletin
